Sand Tray Therapy: what it is, how it works, and it's benefits


Remember when you were a little kid and you got to play with sand at the beach or in your sandbox? It was a great way to pass the time, and it could take your imagination to new heights. Well, now there’s a therapeutic approach that uses this same kind of playfulness: Sand Tray Therapy.

Sand Tray Therapy is a form of expressive play therapy that can help people explore and express their thoughts, feelings, and struggles. It involves the use sand tray filled with different figurines, objects, and other physical items that represent emotions or situations in someone’s life. By creating scenes in the sand tray with these objects, individuals can gain awareness about themselves and work through any issues they’re facing.

Today, we'll be discussing what sand tray therapy is, how it works, and the benefits of this unique therapy!

How does Sand Tray Therapy work?

At its simplest, sand tray therapy uses a tray filled with sand along with small figurines or objects that represent different aspects of life. People use these objects to tell stories or express their feelings in a visual way. The therapist then helps the patient explore their thoughts, stories, and emotions without having to speak. The idea is that by creating the scene in the sand tray, participants are able to explore their feelings more easily than they would be able to if they were trying to explain them with words.

Sand tray therapy is often compared to art therapy because it involves creating an image with sand in a special "tray." In this way, the tray can serve as a canvas that allows clients to express themselves in a safe manner. The therapist assists by providing guidance and support to help the patient better understand their thoughts and feelings.

The beauty of sand tray therapy is its flexibility. The therapist has the freedom to be creative and use whatever works best for the client. They may ask questions or suggest scenarios while encouraging exploration through play. Clients are able to explore their feelings and identify patterns in a safe environment.


What are the potential benefits of Sand Tray Therapy?

Sand tray therapy has been known to provide a lot of benefits. It can help people express themselves in a non-verbal way, which is often more helpful than words for those who are struggling to verbalize their emotions. It also allows the therapist to get an insight into the patient’s life that they may not have been able to otherwise. Additionally, it can provide a creative outlet that can be calming and therapeutic for those dealing with mental health issues. Other benefits include:

  • Building self-awareness and understanding

  • Enhancing communication skills

  • Expanding insight into one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

  • Enabling people to experience a sense of control over their lives and actions

  • Promoting relaxation and calming the body

  • Improving cognitive functioning by consolidating memories

  • Increasing the ability to problem-solve, and developing creativity

Who would be a good fit for sand tray therapy?

Sand tray therapy is for anyone looking to explore their thoughts and feelings in a creative and safe environment. It can be beneficial for children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, and groups. It has been used to help those dealing with a variety of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, anger management, life transitions or changes (e.g., divorce, becoming a parent), and other personal issues.

The History of Sand Tray Therapy

Sand tray therapy has been around since the 1930s when it was first introduced by Dora Kalff. She believed that using sand trays as a way for young children to express themselves provided an outlet for emotions. In sand tray therapy, clients create a world in a tray filled with sand. They can use objects, figures, and toys to create scenes that represent their lives or feelings. Sand tray therapy has since become a popular form of expressive therapy that is used to help treat various mental health issues.

Overall, sand tray therapy is a helpful form of art therapy that can be incredibly beneficial for anyone dealing with difficult emotions. It encourages self-expression, insight, and creative coping skills. So if you’re interested in exploring your feelings and finding healthier ways to cope with them, sand tray therapy might be just the thing for you!


1. Kalff, D. (1980). Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche. Boston, MA: Sigo Press.

2. Lundin, R., & Kennedy, T. (2019). Sandtray Therapy: A Practical Manual (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

3. National Association for Sandplay Therapy. (n.d.). What is Sandtray Therapy? Retrieved from

4. Schoener, G. R., & Spitzberg, B. (2011). An introduction to sand tray therapy: A creative arts modality

. The Humanistic Psychologist, 39(3), 169–184. doi: 10.1080/08873267.2011.595068

5. Wright, J., & de Maré, P. (2013). Exploring sandplay therapy: A practical guide to psychosocial and spiritual self-development (2nd ed.). London: Jessica Kings

Mallory Striesfeld