The Power of Play (and How It Can Improve Your Mental & Emotional Wellbeing)


Playing is an invaluable part of life that we often take for granted. Whether it's throwing a Frisbee at the park or shaping clay into pottery, playing can be an incredibly liberating experience that improves your mental and emotional well-being in meaningful ways. All too often, adults push aside play to focus on grown-up responsibilities such as work or parenting. However, research shows there are many scientifically proven benefits to enjoying playful activities — especially when done with friends and family members. In this blog post, we’ll explore how play can help you boost your moods and strengthen relationships while managing stress more effectively.

What is Play and How Does It Help Us Feel Better

Play is an essential aspect of human nature that is often misunderstood or underappreciated. Think about it: have you ever met a kid or puppy or kitten who didn’t love to play? At its essence, play is creative expression and exploration that happens without any goals or outcomes in mind. It’s simply an opportunity for us to be in the moment and enjoy ourselves however we desire!

One key benefit of play is that it can help us become more mindful, allowing us to relax and find joy in the present moment. Additionally, play gives us an opportunity to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. It also provides a chance for us to express our emotions safely and without judgment. By engaging with play, we can create a safe space to practice emotional vulnerability — something that's not always easy or comfortable for adults.

The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Play

Studies show that play can reduce stress levels, increase creativity and problem-solving skills, and improve our overall mood. In particular, playing with others in a supportive environment has been found to reduce stress levels and make us more resilient when faced with difficult situations. Additionally, engaging in playful activities can strengthen relationships between people of all ages — from young children to grandparents!

Playing games or taking part in leisure activities can also help boost our moods by releasing endorphins and other hormones associated with happiness. It's a great way to reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and even improve cognitive skills like problem-solving. Plus, it's an enjoyable way to get much-needed physical activity!

How To Get Started With Play

Whether you're looking to reduce stress or connect with others, playing can have tremendous benefits. To get started, think about activities that bring you joy and make you feel relaxed — like tossing a Frisbee with your family in the park or joining an adult kickball league. You might also consider creating art projects with friends or engaging in playful banter during date night. The possibilities are endless — it's all about finding activities that work for you.

Be sure to be mindful of the time and energy you have available before committing to anything. And remember: even small moments of play can make a huge difference in your mental and emotional well-being! So don't be afraid to give yourself permission to enjoy life's most playful moments — you may just find they make all the difference.

Types of Play

Engaging in various types of play can improve physical, mental, and social well-being, making it an important aspect of adult development. From physical play to imaginative play, each type offers unique advantages that contribute to personal growth and overall health. A few different types of play can include:

  • Physical play, such as sports or exercise, helps maintain strength, flexibility, and coordination. It also releases endorphins, which can boost mood and reduce stress. Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing various health issues.

  • Imaginative play, often overlooked in adulthood, stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. Participating in activities such as painting, writing, or even daydreaming can foster innovative thinking and provide a healthy outlet for self-expression. This type of play can also serve as a form of stress relief and relaxation.

  • Social play, including group activities or games with friends and family, strengthens communication skills and fosters a sense of belonging. It teaches adults how to work effectively as a team and navigate various social situations. Building strong relationships through social play can lead to increased happiness and emotional well-being.

Understanding the different types of play allows us to create a balanced lifestyle that promotes overall development and growth. By incorporating a mix of physical, imaginative, and social play into their daily routines, we can continue to learn, grow, and have fun throughout life.

Ideas for Ways to Incorporate Play into Your Life

Are you feeling like life has become too serious and you're missing out on the lightheartedness of your childhood? Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to bring play back into your life in creative and enjoyable ways.

  • Try a new hobby, such as painting or playing an instrument.

  • Organize a game night with friends, complete with board games and snacks.

  • Go hiking or explore a nearby park.

  • Take a dance class or sign up for a recreational sports league.

  • Sing in the car

  • Dance in the mirror

  • Write a poem or short story

  • Play hide-and-seek with the kids in your life.

  • Play with a pet

  • Talk in a funny accent

  • Engage in storytelling games like charades or “Two Truths and a Lie”.

The key is to find activities that bring you joy and make you feel relaxed — then, just let yourself have fun! I Remember, incorporating play into your life doesn't have to be complicated - it can be as simple as taking a break to play with your pet or going for a bike ride. Have fun!

Play in Therapy

Play in therapy offers a powerful and effective approach to addressing emotional, cognitive, and social challenges for both adults and children. By incorporating various types of play into the therapeutic process, individuals can explore their feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a safe and non-threatening environment. For children, play therapy is particularly beneficial as it allows them to express themselves in a language they understand - through play. This helps therapists gain insight into the child's inner world, enabling them to provide appropriate support and guidance. You can learn more about the benefits of play therapy for children here. Similarly, adults can benefit from play-based therapy techniques, such as art therapy or sand tray therapy, to tap into their creativity and subconscious thoughts. Engaging in play during therapy sessions fosters self-awareness enhances communication skills, and promotes emotional healing, ultimately contributing to improved mental well-being for individuals of all ages. If you would like to learn more about play therapy, reach out here.

Setting Goals for Play

Setting goals for play may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're a parent looking to encourage creative play with your child or an adult seeking a healthier work-life balance, the benefits of play are numerous and powerful. By setting achievable goals, you can integrate play into your daily routine in a way that works for you. Start by identifying the type of play you enjoy and create a plan to incorporate it into your day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Celebrate your small wins and adjust your goals as needed - the key is to keep moving forward toward a more playful life. With intention and commitment, the power of play can transform your life, reduce stress, and increase creativity and productivity.

Schedule play into your calendar

Just like you would a meeting or an appointment, schedule play into your calendar. Not only can this help hold you accountable to your play goals, but it also serves as a reminder that taking time for yourself is important and necessary. From physical activity to creative expression, there are many ways adults can benefit from the power of play — and it's never too late to start exploring!

The power of play is undeniable. Not only can playing reduce stress and improve emotional and mental well-being, but it can also help us grow in new ways and tap into our creativity. So as we explore different types of play and how to incorporate them into our daily lives, remember that it’s essential to set goals for yourself so that you can get the most out of your play sessions. Most importantly, have fun! Play should be driven by joy, passion, and curiosity, not pressure or obligation. If you take some time each day to focus on getting creative and having fun with pursuits that bring a big smile to your face—you’ll offer your entire self a boost in well-being and happiness.

Mallory Striesfeld