Positive Health Affirmations for Individuals with Chronic Illnesses


Having a chronic illness is incredibly challenging, and on top of managing your overall health, dealing with the symptoms of a chronic illness can take a tremendous toll on your mental health. 

However, it’s so important to remember is your illness does not define you. Read these affirmations for health to focus on your improvement, without downplaying what you’re going through. They’ll help you create a happy and healthy atmosphere, so you can heal in your own due time. 

  • “My body is capable of healing.”

  • “My health is improving each day.”

  • “I am grateful for my body.”

  • “My mind feels calm and peaceful.”

  • “I’m learning what my body needs and how to take care of it.”

  • “Asking for help is not a weakness.”

  • “I am still able to practice kindness.” 

Try repeating these affirmations whenever you feel you need these reminders. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself lots of compassion and love. 

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Mallory Striesfeld