The Best Quotes on Setting Boundaries


In the world that we live in – with the seemingly endless forms of digital communication – people have more accessibility to our time and energy than ever before. This makes it even more crucial to be able to set and enforce clear boundaries with the people in your life. There are some fantastic nuggets of wisdom out there that really dive into why boundaries are so necessary and how to create healthy boundaries in your relationships with family, partners, co-workers, and beyond. 

Here is a list of some of the best quotes on boundaries to inspire you and hopefully encourage you to create and maintain healthy boundaries in your life.

You might be wondering – but what does “setting boundaries” even mean? 

This quote from Asa Don Brown explains it perfectly…


Is it selfish to have boundaries? 

A very common concern that people have when it comes to boundaries is that people will see them as being selfish and cold. There is a difference between being selfish and being self-aware of your needs and limits and when it’s appropriate to honor those needs. If you’re being taken advantage of constantly and feel resentful and used, chances are a boundary is needed. 

Brené Brown says it best when she says:  


It’s our own responsibility to let people know when a boundary is being crossed. When we aren’t clear with someone when they’re asking for too much of us, it builds resentment and anger. Rather than having all of those emotions bottled up and come out in bursts of irritation or anger, it’s best to express your needs and communicate them. 


Remember that the people who have benefited the most from your lack of boundaries are most likely going to put up a fight when you begin to implement them. Remind yourself that it is not unkind or selfish – it is necessary.

This quote puts it simply and eloquently: 


It’s kind to be clear. It’s kind to have healthy boundaries.


In relationships, there are times when giving and receiving may not be reciprocated evenly. And that is natural in any relationship because there are times when someone may need more than what they are able to give. However, when someone continues taking your time, energy, and resources without appreciation and out of expectation, it can be inevitable that resentment will build up. Many times, people-pleasers take on the role of the giver because it makes them feel needed and validated. They will let things slide because they don’t want to disrupt the dynamics of the relationship or upset someone and jeopardize being “liked.” Takers will find those who lack clear boundaries and take advantage of the giver’s openness and desire to please others.

Setting boundaries helps you create a limitless life for yourself


Learn to be okay with disappointing others on the road to making yourself proud!


No one can determine what is best for you besides you. It’s your life, you’re the one living it, and you deserve to decide what it is that you want and need for yourself.

People setting boundaries with you


This might seem like a given, but sometimes we need a reminder.


Not everything is about us. When someone is distant or is rude or in a bad mood – chances are, it’s not about us. The kindest thing we can do in that sort of situation is to honor their space and not poke at an open wound. If someone wants to share something, they will. Creating a safe space for someone does not include forcing someone to say or do something they don’t want to do. 

Boundaries with family

There were so many other quotes I could have added since family relationships are some of the most interconnected and complex dynamics where the boundaries are often blurred. Here are a few:


Especially in parent-child relationships, a parent may feel that they have ownership of the child’s life choices, relationships, and approaches when in reality, they are their own unique individual who is living a unique life. Parents often pass on their own fears and limiting beliefs to their children because of those blurred boundaries.


Maybe this is why holidays and big family events can be some of the most stressful times! 

Being clear with your boundaries


Boundaries and Self-Love


Healthy boundaries = self-love


Enforcing those boundaries


Being consistent and firm with your needs is essential.


💡Their happiness is not your responsibility – this needs to be etched into our brains.


Being compassionate with people who are hurting does not mean that you need to suffer the consequences of their pain.


Treating ourselves with respect sets the foundation for others to do so as well…

I hope you enjoyed these quotes and found them helpful to read. I’d love to hear from you – what are your favorite quotes or sayings about boundaries that you’ve found value in? Share them in the comments below! 

Mallory Striesfeld